At 8:30am we gather at Christ Church for a traditional Anglican service. Some of the members at 8:30am have been worshipping in an Anglican Church all their lives. Some have even been worshipping at Christ Church for their whole lives! But there’s no need to worry if you’re new to the Anglican Church or not even sure what that means or what you believe. While we’re more formal at 8:30am we’re also relaxed and those leading the service guide us through as we journey together. While we follow the Prayer Book at this service, all of the songs, prayers and readings are projected on screen so there’s no need to worry about not knowing what to say, when to sit or stand, or losing your place in a book.
All are welcome however there is generally no explicit input given for children at 8:30am. We do have a space for them to do activities, but we also welcome children to be present in the main space of the church.
Singing plays a big part at our 8:30am service and our music is a mixture of hymns and songs, ancient and modern. Some weeks we’re accompanied by the piano and drums while other weeks we’re led by the wonderful pipe organ.
While our minister will normally wear traditional robes at this service, members of the congregation come as they feel comfortable coming to worship.
After the service we join together for morning tea and the chance to share a cuppa and catch up.